Wicked Windy New Year's Resolutions

While I guess I am happy that 2020 is behind me, more so, I want to focus on how I can be more positive and intentional for 2021. With the pandemic, election, and big tech censorship of free speech, I realized that I need to find ways to support traditional American values and help unify my community. Here’s what I’m working on for 2021:

© Can Stock Photo / Prazis

© Can Stock Photo / Prazis

  • Give thanks everyday. Find three things to be thankful for EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

  • Be open to feedback and uncomfortable conversations. Be brave and find ways to discuss tough conversations respectfully. I aim to share my opinion, and learn other’s. Be brave, sometimes discussing my opinion requires introspection, no one is right 100% of the time. Which leads me to the next point….

  • Get informed and think critically. Where do you get the news? Do you only get your news source from one source? Do additional research, consider alternative view points. Ask yourself critical questions like “What am I missing?” I realized that I was frequently falling for ”click bait” so I removed Apple News from my phone. Instead, I read or listen to alternative news outlets like: Parler, OAN, Newsmax, or Epoch Times. We’re inundated with main stream media anyway, it’s good to see multiple angles of any position.

  • Shop deliberately. My choice to buy affects retailers. I know that my spend is a large part of the overall ecosystem and it affects retailers. I consider: Where is the product made? What company values do I want to support? How does this purchase support my own values? Here are a few companies that are living by traditional American values and I intentionally shop here:

    • Chick-Fil-A - not open on Sundays, per their company website: “Having worked seven days a week in restaurants open 24 hours, Truett saw the importance of closing on Sundays so that he and his employees could set aside one day to rest and worship if they choose - a practice we uphold today.”

    • Hobby Lobby - read their story for yourself!

    • Support the products which are endorsing your favorite social media celebs. I found Cacao Bliss while listening to free speech comedian JP Sears. Cacao Bliss has completely curbed my sweet tooth and Jp Sears has helped keep things on the lighter side while still promoting free speech.

    • Goya foods- supports the American dream and has a good sense of humor. (I especially love that my link referenced is the self-proclaimed true article because it has been fact checked.)

    • MyPillow is another one, they took a huge hit when CEO supported Trump. I am looking forward to restful sleep when my pillows arrive!

    • Canceled my Amazon Prime membership. I found myself getting lazy with purchases. It was too easy to order it through Amazon and skip my local merchants. Never mind all the cardboard boxes we wasted, but the final straw was de-platforming the free speech social media alternative, Parler. What an outrageous overstep of their cloud hosting responsibilities.

  • Directly support the causes you are passionate about. Join a church, volunteer for your charity, donate to a political cause, whatever cause is your mission, participate.

What else would make this list of positive steps better? What are you doing to live in ways which are congruent with your beliefs?

(Thumbnail image credit: © Can Stock Photo / majeczka)

P Smith